布辛普森 米勒

Professor 布米勒

Assistant Professor of History and Assistant Director of the Center for Social and Racial Equity

Dr. Simpson 米勒 holds an MA in World History from Georgia State University (with distinction) and a PhD in West African History from SOAS, University of London.

Dr. 布辛普森 米勒 a social historian of Ghana whose research investigates the history of food, 烹饪, and eating from the 17th century to the present day. Her interdisciplinary approach utilizes historical foodways to understand how negotiations over food, 烹饪, and ritual dictated patterns of social inclusion, 边缘化, and dominance in West Africa.

她的博士论文, entitled ‘The Social History of Food and Cooking in Nineteenth- and Twentieth- Century Ghana,’ was published in January of 2022 as a monograph in a series on Food in a Globalizing World with Palgrave MacMillan. It is entitled Food and Identity in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Ghana: Food, 打架, 和地方主义.

Other publications include a book chapter entitled ‘Food and Nationalism in an Independent Ghana’, published by Bloomsbury in the monograph The Rise of National Foods in 2019. 

Contact Information
布辛普森 米勒
(478) 757-3712

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