
Students in Wesleyan College's 神经科学 Program explore the nervous system and its contributions to human and animal behavior.

Wesleyan's program takes an interdisciplinary approach to neuroscience and integrates information from 生物学 and 心理学. 主修或辅修神经科学,主修生物学, 心理学, or applied mathematical science provides an excellent background to pursue varied career opportunities.

Students attain a solid understanding of the underlying concepts; develop skills in experimental design and data analysis; approach problems and tasks logically, 创造性地, and critically; become knowledgeable of theory used in current literature; and become proficient in using methodology and instrumentation commonly employed in contemporary research in neuroscience.

The prestigious Munroe Scholars Program provides two full-tuition scholarships annually to academically superior first-year applicants for admission with interests in the sciences, 数学, 或者双学位工程. Preference is given to students who demonstrate particular promise in scientific inquiry or research. 符合条件的候选人必须在奖学金日被邀请参加比赛, 具有较强的学历, 并展示他们参与研究的兴趣和能力. 获奖者也有资格获得高达1美元的研究津贴,在他们大三和大四的时候.

主要: 神经科学
小: 神经科学
相关专业 & 未成年人: 生物学与心理学



等他们毕业的时候, more than 90% of neuroscience majors have collaborated with faculty in projects outside of the classroom.

The majority of neuroscience majors pursue careers within the field or in closely related fields. The major is designed to prepare one for competitive application to outstanding graduate programs. Students are given multiple opportunities to participate in research that is typically presented at student research conferences as well as regional, 国家, 以及国际专业研究会议. 不仅是研究参与强调课程的专业,而且, 神经科学学院的所有成员都积极参与学生与教师之间的研究. 专业 also have the opportunity to engage in community service through The Center for Women in Science and Technology.


The 神经科学 Program offers a number of opportunities for 学习 outside of the classroom. Most graduates have presented their research at student or professional research meetings before graduation. 神经科学项目也提供定期出国学习的机会. 在学校放假期间,学生们可以参加为期一周的巴黎之旅, 阿姆斯特丹, 或者去罗马研究药物和行为,或者研究美丽和快乐的神经科学.


PSY 207:神经科学原理.
感觉的生物学基础, 感知, 学习, 内存, 认知, 动机, 情感, and consciousness; overview of recent and significant developments in this area. 

NSC 260:毒品和行为.
The pharmacology of drugs of abuse and drugs used in treating mental disorders is explored. 探究药物的历史背景和社会背景.

BIO 325:神经生理学.
A practice-oriented introduction to functional cellular neuro生物学, focusing on electrophysiology. 实验练习和讨论主题将包括电生理学, 组织学, 神经化学技术, 神经元膜动力学, 突触功能和可塑性, 感觉编码, 传感器协调, 中心模式生成, 以及网络功能. 实验室研究的主要方法是细胞内研究, 细胞外, 多细胞和全动物电生理学, 细胞和突触模拟, 以及神经元和网络功能的计算机模拟. 

NSC 335:神经网络和系统.
一个研讨会式的课程,从感官的范围取样, 电动机, and associational neuronal networks and systems in invertebrate and vertebrate animals and the experimental and analytical approaches used to understand them. Instructor - and student-led discussions will use both review texts and the primary neuroscience literature of particularly well-understood systems as source material. This will be supplemented with hands-on exploration of computer-based simulations and models of neuronal networks. 具体的主题可能包括, 例如, 检测, 歧视, 以及视觉和嗅觉系统中的地形映射, 猫头鹰和鸟的听觉定位, 鱼电感受, 蝙蝠回声定位, 甲壳类和硬骨鱼的逃跑行为, 水蛭游泳协调, 蝗虫飞行, 和鸟鸣声, 以及日常和季节节律的神经元基质.

动物生理机制的详细综述, 主要从器官系统的角度来教授. 主题包括膜动力学, 神经元和神经系统功能, muscle physiology; cardiac function and circulation, 呼吸, 消化, 排泄, 内分泌学, 和繁殖. 本课程采用比较方法研究动物生理学, 重点研究脊椎动物的生理机制, 包括人类. 




没有人比12博官方网站经历过学习的校友更了解12博官方网站了, 生活, 在12博官方网站蒸蒸日上. 女校友 reflect on their experiences on campus and the impact on their lives through lifelong friendships to skills acquired on campus impacting their careers.



文科教育为你的第一份工作和最后一份工作做准备. Wesleyan has a four-year plan to prepare students to make the connection between a liberal arts education and success in the workplace.



12博官方网站提供25个专业和35个辅修课程, 包括自主设计的跨学科研究, eight pre-professional programs and the bachelor of science in nursing and bachelor of fine arts degrees.


学生安娜 Marmolejo Rios 20岁时在她的暑期实习.

这是20岁的安娜 Marmolejo Rios

安娜, 神经科学和心理学双学位, worked as an intern through the Summer Research Opportunity Program (offered by Rackham Graduate School at the University of Michigan) where she worked on the Michigan Study for Cognitive Aging and Diverse Elders. In a lab that works to characterize risk and protective factors for dementia in a racially and socioeconomically diverse sample of older adults, 特别是那些来自少数民族或代表性不足的群体的人. “整个夏天,我对自己有了很多了解, 我是什么样的人,我想做什么样的研究. I knew I wanted to continue my education and ultimately earn a PhD in clinical 心理学, 来到这里让我看到了我要做的事情. Now I have a clearer picture of what my career and research paths will look like in the near future."

12博官方网站女子联谊会 神经科学事业

校友ADITI DEY ' 13坐在书桌前,打开书本

Aditi dey ' 13

门罗学者, 阿迪蒂以优异成绩毕业,主修心理学, 生物学, 和神经科学. 在12博官方网站,Aditi曾担任博士的研究助理. 詹姆斯·罗文的比较认知实验室. She is now a Resident in Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins Childrens' Hospital after receiving her doctoral degree.



乔治亚医学院、布兰代斯大学、圣华盛顿大学. 路易, 诺华制药研究所, 阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校, 奥本大学, 美世大学医学院, 佐治亚健康科学大学 


大脑的事实 神经科学专业的学生


The human brain is the only organ in the human body that lacks nerves despite the fact that it acts as the central command for the central nervous system.


There are 100 thousand miles of blood vessels in your brain, and one hundred billion neurons.


海博网官方网站 60% of the human brain is comprised of fat which is the highest concentration of fat that is present in a single organ in a healthy human being.


许多人认为,人类只使用了不到10%的大脑. 这是一种误解,因为大脑的每个部分都有一个已知的功能.




The energy consumed by the brain which is approximately 25 watts is sufficient enough to illuminate a light bulb.




75% of the total brain mass is comprised of water which regulates various functions in the brain.






Wesleyan College is privileged to steward many arts and cultural events and share them with the community. 大多数都是免费向公众开放的. Wesleyan art galleries are open M-F 1-5PM and on 12博官方网站市场 Saturdays from 10AM-2PM.



参观12博官方网站美丽的200英亩海博网官方网站,以格鲁吉亚建筑为特色, 郁郁葱葱的绿地, 娱乐设施, 学生宿舍, 礼拜中心.



12博官方网站学院是五个NCAA三级体育项目的所在地:足球, 篮球, 排球, 网球, 和垒球. 除了, we offer an award-winning Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) 马术 program.

